RBI License: MH-730-P10/12/1986 Co-op. Reg. No. : 30797 Dt. 05/08/1961

Deposit Account

Our Deposit type is described below:
1) Fixed Deposit 2) Recurring Deposit 3) Pigmy Deposit ( Small Saving Deposit Scheme)

Fixed Deposits :

In this type of Deposit you can deposit a certain sum of money with various schemes of the bank for a specific duration of time. Choose a deposit period range as your requirement and multiply your money with our good interest rate scheme.

You can invest your money with following types of deposits :

  1. Short Term Deposit
  2. Long Term Deposit

Recurring Deposit :

These are similar to fixed deposits with a difference being, you deposit a small amount of money every month into this account for a specified duration of time and the bank would compound the interest every month and pay you in lump at the end of the tenure.

Pigmy Deposit ( Small Saving Deposit Scheme) :

In this type of deposit scheme you can deposit certain sums in daily basis so that you would be able to meet an anticipated liability after the end of specified period. The unique characteristic of this scheme is that a bank agent collects the money daily, from the account holder’s doorstep.

This Scheme is more beneficial to daily earners, Small traders and farmers to inculcate a saving habits and also as a means to fund their bigger capital requirements, such as a wedding, home buying, vehicle purchase etc.